Wendy Cook
The Art of Yoga
The practice of yoga is like painting a picture.
Life is the canvas. The colors of paint are breath, movement, stillness, ethical practices, awareness, and mindful action. You, the yoga practitioner, are the one holding the paint brush.
Each time you step on the mat, sit in stillness, or consciously breathe you have the freedom to paint a picture of your choice with the colors of yoga.
The most empowering aspect of my yoga practice is the opportunity I have to consciously choose how I apply the “paint colors” of yoga to each each day’s life experiences.
Art of Listening
My approach to teaching yoga hasn’t changed much since the first day I taught in 2003. I listen to what others are seeking. I respond by sharing education on the practice of yoga in the areas of physical movement, breath, and self-study through yoga’s ethical practices. I ask questions and actively listen.
I tell my students my method might seem nosy, but I am intuitively discovering patterns, asking more questions, and guiding the student to new self-discovery. I don’t have an intended “end point” and yet the student typically discovers gems they were seeking by simply talking, breathing, and moving in a way that works for their current state of health.
Art of Sharing
My approach to teaching is similar to what I have learned about teaching methods from centuries ago. The practice of yoga is an ancient tradition that was shared verbally for thousands of years before the philosophical wisdom was recorded. The wisdom has been shared from teacher to student through 196 short aphorisms that allow the teacher to expand appropriately for current life situations.
In a group class I share the wisdom by weaving a theme through the class that gives the practitioner the chance to embody the wisdom. In private sessions and workshops I guide the student(s) through education and self-inquiry based on the 8-limb practice of yoga with a focus on non-violence.
“I give yoga credit with saving my life, more than once. Through my own yoga teachers I was introduced to the practice of surrender, compassion, and service to others. I see beauty and grace in this wicked world as a result of my commitment to the practice”
~Wendy, 2023
The Science of Yoga
The science of yoga is backed by research.
While the practice of yoga began thousands of years ago, empirical evidence that validates its claims is recent. Scholarly research on yoga is in an infancy stage, but results are showing statistical significance for the theories that yoga improves mental and physical health. Practitioners have known this for centuries.
Science of Teaching
My approach to teaching is based on the science of human anatomy and physiology. Deep knowledge of the bones, muscles, and soft tissues of the body is essential for creating not only safety, but best outcomes for my students. An in-depth knowledge on the subtle energy of the body allows me to teach students appropriate breath and meditation practices that can positively impact the central nervous system, therefore positively impact other body systems and organ health.
Science of Research
My approach to teaching, teacher training, and program development is rooted in scholarly research. I search reputable scholarly databases for research in the social sciences and medical sciences. Often I read upwards of 70 articles to identify relevant research results to develop evidence-based best practices for programs in my own organization or as a consultant for a business, nonprofit, or government organization.
I look forward to collaborating in the near future on research for mindfulness-based practices.
Professional Degrees,
Certifications, and Experience
Recipient of the David Pryor Public Service Award
•200RYT Circle Yoga Shala
•ALLTEL Communications: Revenue Accountant and Billing Analyst
•SBC, Wireless: Billing Supervisor, Project Management Manager, & Associate Director Regulatory
You name a location and I have most likely taught there!
Studio, community center, high school sports, women's shelter, corporate board rooms, international nonprofit...Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Colorado, Canada, Kenya, Italy, and Spain! To name a few...
•Designed and hold a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Alliance
•Designed and hold a 300 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Alliance.
•Certified over 300 yoga teachers
•Mood disorder units
•Military outpatient clinic
•Substance abuse units
•Adolescent Sex Trafficking residential facility
•Yoga Journal Conference facilitator, Estes Park. 2015
• Africa Yoga Project Teacher Training co-facilitator, Kenya. 2015
•Yoga Director D-1 basketball, UALR. 2016